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Reduce Your Year End Stress

How many of you said to yourselves on July 1, “I can’t believe the year is half over!”? And more importantly, what are you doing about it? For nonprofit organizations operating on a calendar year, July 1 marks the beginning of the home stretch. For some nonprofit organizations, mainly educational institutions, which tend to operate […]

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‘Tis the Season

Most of my blog posts are about fundraising nuts and bolts. This post is a little more philosophical. Your feedback in the comments section below is appreciated.  The Jimmy Stewart film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” has been an enduring holiday favorite and I think I understand why.   It’s that time of year when we reflect

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Magic of Third Party Events

We’ve all been in board or staff meetings brainstorming ways to raise more money. Inevitably someone will suggest an event of some sort – a golf tournament, a raffle, a 5K, a spaghetti dinner, the list is literally endless. While events can be an effective way to raise funds, generate publicity and provide board members

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No Mission, No Money

My last post of 2021 was titled No Money, No Mission about my learning how fundraising is essential to being able to move an organization’s mission forward. So what better way to start 2022 than with a post on the converse statement: No Mission, No Money. All 501(c)3 nonprofits have three things in common, 1)

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5 Things You Can Do to Raise More Money Before the End of the Year (without having another event)

You are in the fourth quarter, the final period, the bottom of the 9th inning. Cancelled and postponed events have put a big dent in fundraising for the second year in a row. How are you going to make this year a winner financially? Here are 5 things your small to medium sized nonprofit can

5 Things You Can Do to Raise More Money Before the End of the Year (without having another event) Read More »

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